Sorry I haven't blogged in a while, we have been super busy and have a lot going on here. David's mom is here so we have been showing her the country the past week (that will be another blog). I have so much to blog about and more to come with the upcoming assembly this weekend. However for now I'll tell you about today.
David had been asked to give a part tonight and it was great. it was with a brother named Kevin (who is from Nicaragua) who has become one of David's best friends down here, he is a great brother. Young, full of life, and doing awesome in the congregation. His part was the one in this weeks k.m. on how to offer the teach book (aka) "ensena book". David nailed it, he is so good at the door and also with his spanish, he has a great accent, brothers came up to him after and were telling him he sounded just like a tico! They worked on it a few times and kevin is a great teacher, they have had this little thing going ever since they met, David talks to Kevin in spanish Kevin talks to David in english, that way they both teach each other. So far Kevin's winning, cause the kids and I mostly talk to him in english...
It was a small group tonight cause the english group has assembly, but we were glad to stay and be a part of it. During the meeting tonight we got incredible loud rain that just came all at once and as soon as it did it was gone, I was like ok everyone is acting normal, but it was so loud you could barely here Jair on stage. I didn't know what it was at first, If it were in our house I could tell, you know you get to know all the noises and what they are, animals, strong wing gusts, rain, but it was fine, just kind of funny a few brothers went out to look and came back in drenched! It was so hot have to admit I was jealous.
We also went in service today, It was just us, David's mom, two Tico brothers and one Tico sister. None of the Ticos in our congregation have cars so at first there was some discussion as to how all 9 of us would fit in our 5 seater pathfinder. So after prayer... I hopped in "back" of our car and all 9 of us headed off to Delicias and Esperanza, these towns are off the most bumpy uncomfortable roads ever. I'm not kidding when I say bumpiest ever either. There is a brother down here who loves to tell the story about an African brother who was visiting Costa Rica and said "I thought we had the worst roads in Africa, You guys have it way worse". The roads are no bueno! Anyway we had some great calls maybe two more studys and Mary got to work with Myra one of our awesome tica sister's. She placed a book with a man on the beach while we were stopped for a min to use the pottie and stretch our feet. You'll see her in the back ground while ruby played at the beach. The Day all and all was great!