This has been the highlight of our trip. Now that we are starting to get comfortable working in the Spanish we've developed some really nice calls. Friday morning we met for service in Samara at one of our local sisters house. The territories here get worked once a week or so, so when we meet for service the whole group usually goes to the same territory and we do the whole territory in one day until it's done. once we got our arrangements figured out we said prayer and started walking to our cars. Then Brother Jair said for us to read the first part of Philippians 3:2. He then told us the territory we were about to do had alot of mean dogs. This made us really nervous since everyone has told us how mean the dogs can be here. It turns out this territory was the most productive one we had worked so far.
In the morning we worked the part of the territory that was along the beach. So we could do some english. We found one interested German lady who was very interested in learning more about the bible. We talked to her for about 45 mins and told her we would bring back a German Bible teach book and Bible. We have a German sister in our English group who lives here all year round so we told her we would have her come back soon. I think we will be able to start a study with her soon!
Then in the afternoon, we met back with the others in the spanish territory. This is where things got interesting. Most of the houses did have dogs and so we would stay back from the property a little further than normal until the home owner came out to greet us. Then we would ask if it was ok to come in and they would let us know. Then we came to a house with a young nursing mom who was sitting in a rocking chair outside. After she told us it was safe to come onto the property, we began to share the tract "would You like to know More About The Truth" with her. I showed her the 6 common questions on the front page and asked her which one she thought was interesting. She chose the one "What happens to us when we die?" so I read the answer on the next pg and shared Gen. 3:19 with her. We asked her if she had a bible and she said no, but that she would like one and she also said she would like to learn more about what the bible sais on this subject. We told her we would come back in one week and bring her a bible teach book and a bible in spanish and that we could study the chapter on where are the dead. We are so excited and so nervous at the same time since this will be our first study in spanish.
Then on Saturday we started 1 more study and a had a good call in a small town called Delicias. The first call was a young women who David spoke too. He read the small introduction on page 12 of the reasoning book that shows how we can demonstrate a free home bible study with the help of the bible teach book. She excepted and we went thru the first 5 paragraphs and told her we would come back in a week to discuss the next subheading. Next door to her we found a young man who was familiar with the gospels and Jesus but beyond that didnt know to much about the bible. We were able to share some scriptures with him and at the end of our discussion he welcomed us to come back.
Field service is so much different in Costa Rica. In many ways it is much harder since we dont get to take breaks at starbuck anymore, we start service at 8:00 am, its 95 degrees by 10:30 in the morning, there are no paved roads, we walk at least a couple miles every time we go out, and our car that seats 5 usually has 6 to 8 bodies in it. However it seems to always be so rewarding with all the great calls and beautiful beaches that we get to stop and view while we are on our way to the territory. Amber and I are now cramming to study for our new spanish bible studies, since neither one of us is fluent it is going to take alot of effort to make it work. This is where we feel we are really going to start progressing with the language! We will keep you posted on our progress.
Great pictures! Love seeing the group of brothers and sisters and hearing about your field service experiences. We'll keep you in our prayers regarding your efforts in learning Spanish and blessing your service to Him. Keep those pictures and experiences coming on the blog :).
ReplyDeleteI LOVE IT!! That was so encouraging to read!! Thank you!! You are having the experience of a lifetime. Are you sure you want to come home? :) If you guys need anything, let us know. Nate and I are willing to send any and everything. & I'm not just saying that!
ReplyDeleteLove you all!
(Asia Said) How cool guys! I am happy to finally see you in some pictures Amb. I was starting to think David just left to Costa Rica with the kids without you. Who is that black guy you are standing next to on the beach? LOL. That tan didn't take long David.
ReplyDeleteAsia - I said the SAME thing to Mary the other day! David has never looked so black...
ReplyDeleteAmber & David - you guys sound like you are having the time of your life!! Service sounds amazing. I am so impressed with even attempting service in Spanish. Scary. I barely am able to maintain in English!
Love you all - can't wait to hear more! Love all the pics too!