Kevin, Laura, Brian our beloved kids! Oh yes we have 6, I am a young mom.

We felt like we were blessed by Jehovah in our last week of service here. Amber and I both were able to find our studies home. This in itself can be very challenging since people in Costa Rica seem to be unaware of the importance of keeping a schedule and time. We really wanted to find them home and let them know we were leaving the country in a few days and tell them how much we've enjoyed our studies and how we hope they can continue there progress in learning more about the bible.
One study I had this week was with Luis a young man from Nicaragua who lives in the bodega (workshop) of the hotel he works at. Luis works 7 days a week so I have to come after work around 6 or 7 pm in order to have our study. So last Wednesday during our study I had planned on giving him a new copy of the bible, so when we started our study I first asked if he owned a bible. He said yes and went to his room and came back with an old beat up new world translation and asked me "will this work". Of course I said yes and I was surprised because when I first called on him several months back he said he never really spoke to witnesses before and so I asked him if he had received it from a witness and he said no but that his roommate had given it to him in Nicaragua. So I guess that illustrates that when you place a bible you never know where its going to end up. I was also able to find Raul one last time and hand him over to one of the need graters in our hall Josh Potvin.

Josh and Nina, our late night card playing amigos.
We took turns going to meeting our last week staying home with sick kids, David went to Thursday night to do the bible highlights his last time in Costa Rica, between the sound of the rain pounding on the tin roof and the dog in the audience I think all was good, laid back Costa Rican Style. Then I went to Sunday morning Spanish and David switched off and went to afternoon English. We wanted to make sure to say bye to all the ones in the congregation. It was a very tearful goodbye.

We are now home, recovering from a bad case of the varicella virus (chicken pox) and of course everything including chicken pox is bigger and stronger in Costa Rica. This has hit us hard, we hope to get back in the swing of things soon. We already miss Costa Rica very much. We were nervous they weren't going to let us on the plane.

We made it Through customs not sure how, people were staring at the kids and whispering about what kind of flesh eating disease they could have. "Hello I can hear you" and yes it did look bad (those pics I will spare you) but it got way worse we can only hope it doesn't leave scar's.

So now back to life here in Portland Oregon.

We have lots of goals that are keenly in focus, and we are now more than ever determined to keep our lives simple and our family happy in service for Jehovah where ever he needs us to be. We know our lives will be rich(prov 10:22)!
It's so good to have you back home in Oregon. Looking forward to spending more time with you soon. Love the picture of all your children!!! And, the picture of David with his Bible study. What a wonderful experience for you all!