Wow guys, this was an amazing weekend just what we needed, its funny cause a few people have said "we already had that assembly" well we did too but I am so so glad we made the effort to go. Almost all the parts were done by need greaters or missionary's,bethelites, special pioneers and experiences of people doing the same thing we are.
After being in my really home sick stage of the trip this hit at just the right time. One of the prayers a brother gave put me strait into tears, he was praising everyone for being here in Costa Rica to help cause there is such a need, and said even though it is hard and people left behind family and friends...(ball ball ball sob sob sob)....ok and that was just a prayer, it gets worse.
Another part from a brother serving here in Limon Costa Rica had some great points, Limon is on the carribean side some pople have a nagative view of this area and one's have even warned others not to go there saying its violent... well he said if Jehovah has sent us there to help should one's really be saying we shouldnt go or that people there shouldnt be told about our God Jehovah? It hit hard, what a good point, and he continued, for that matter what if others get sent to Haiti or now Chile to help should we tell them not to go because its dangerous.
What a great family he has too. He and his wife and two boys moved from Washington DC to help in Limon for 5 years.There cong. has 100 bible studys. Noah and the boys hit it off great and there family invited us to come see the other side of Costa Rica and stay with them. Side note DeJaun the dad, said you guys got the beans and rice there too?... uhh, I was like eye roll yeah, like this guy must really like them! Well there beans and rice they do with jerk meat and coconut! What!! when I heard of this I felt like we have been not eating nearly as good, hello same country we can make that here too, right? So I need to go, if for nothing else but to see abot this yummie sounding food.
David and I really enjoyed another brothers part, he was being interviewed. He was asked what got him hear to Costa Rica, well he was tellling there circuit overseer back home they really wanted to come and help, the c.o. said when are you going the brother was saying well some time in the next year. The c.o. then told him with out a date its just a dream, so he went home talked to his wife and booked the trip, then everything that could have got in the way happened, mountain like obstacles but they continued to put there reliance in Jehovah and by the time there date came it all worked out and he said Jehovah opened up doors he never imagined he would so now he his wife and three kids are here serving in C.R.. David and I looked at each other wow this brothers excperience was much like ours. Test and see that Jehovah is good.
We also met some wonderful missionary couples here, one coulpe that sat close by us Alister and Jenifer he is from England and she is from Scotland they are serving near Volcano Arenal. He is one of only two elders in there cong. they have 25 bible studys between them and didnt know any spanish upon moving here a little over a year ago, they share there small missionary home with another missonary couple he said there living area is about the size of half the back room in the hall. He said this is mostly hard for his wife but some days he says man this just isnt going to work we cant do it any more but then he say's they give it a week and see how they feel and it always changes there thinking. he is coming to Buena Vista English group in May to give a talk and they may stay with us, what a privlage to meet this couple that is sacrificing so much all for Jehovah.
So all in all totally worth the long drive and fighting traffick getting completely turned around in San Jose. To hear the admiration of the brothers, telling us what a good job we are doinging and they know its hard, most people there like us sold there house's there nice car's cut back on all the extras like new out fits or cute things for the house, all to help serve jehovah more fully!
Jehovah is already blessing us! Our brotherhood is amazing to know it truly is earth wide.