So its been hard to blog or email cause we don't have Internet at all now at our house, however we are in Nicaragua right now doing our exit trip (That will be a later post) and have it (internet) so I'm going to try to fill you all in on a few things.
So we have all had hard days in service but last Saturday seamed to be my hardest yet, it was hot of course and ruby mostly rides on my back and it was the 1st day of the invitation work, needless to say I was really excited, However when we got to our st. to work I didn't realize we had to cross a river, no biggie we cross them all the time in a car and some times on foot, however this river had a walking bridge... Funny
All that know me well know I don't do bridges, let alone ones that are small, old, and scary, Anita walked ahead of me and jumped in the middle a few times and said oh yeah its great feels strong! Still its high up for me. I didn't want to look like a wimp so I started to get close and really wanted to face my fears and go over it, but I started tearing up out of my control, then I looked to the young tica sister I was with and she was also! Yes! I am not the only one scared of heights! When I saw her it made me more freaked out I started totally crying and said I cant do it.
Anita felt bad not realizing how frozen in fear I was. Oh well it was refreshing to walk through the river and meet the sisters on the side.
I can now kill scorpions with ease and let the tarantulas crawl in and out of my house with out screaming. I know, I know, bridges I stop there!
We got to a small little town and left people with the invitation track for Jesus Memorial. I talked to one old woman on her porch in my spanish presentation. We only got 5 invites per person to give out, I hope all that got more realize what a privilege it is to share these and in other lands its not so easy to come by.
I have lots more to share! We love all your comments, Thanks so much for all your support!
(Too see the pictures better, click to enlarge)
Jehovah loves you and SO APPRECIATES what you are doing! He knows the courage you have - to do the best you can - and you did!
You are awesome...so what about the bridge. LOVE YOU! XXOO
ReplyDeleteSo good to hear from you! You found a way and did it! Crossing the river by foot sounds more scary to me! You are brave... And you made it!!! Love the pics of the bridge you battled and can't hardly wait until you are back to Oregon. Love you much!
ReplyDeleteAmber, David and kids. Your comments are so encourgeing and upbuilding. I'm so proud of the 5 of you. I've been in touch with severl Brothers in Mexico including the English C/O Aaron Gonzalez. They represent 5 differnt congregations I have the choice of moving to. There are so many congregation in need it makes the choice hard. I think the one I'm going to is Tecoman in the State of Colima. They have 1 elder, 1 M/S, 3 PIO's 20 publisher and 40 B/S. It's located on the Pacific Coast about 1/2 way between Puerto Vallarta and Acapuico. The challenging thing is the heat and humidity, I'll try to adjust. I find it amazing when I tell the friends I' moving to Mexico in August they say "What for", I usually say "Why Not" I'm so glad to see that your having so much fun.I'm sure it's difficult from time to time. Amber I know you're home sick but when you leave your new home in C/R then you will really be home sick. What a wonderful experience. I've thought about how home sick I'll be when I leave for Mexico but I'm sure I'll adjust. Hopefully I can come back every 6 mo ro so. I love your blog keep up the good work. Dad.
ReplyDeletei want to see a pic of you crossing the river! With Ruby on your back, no less :) that bridge looked scary to me also....Love you guys and miss you so much!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad I'm not the only one. You should have seen me hiking the bridges near Aranal. Not a good idea for someone that is scared of heights!